Febbre sul labbro: cause e rimedi

Fever on the lip: causes and remedies

Cold sores are a very common infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Viral transmission occurs through contact of the oral mucosa with infected skin or contaminated objects. Statistics have shown that 90% of the population has antibodies against cold sores because they have already come into contact with the virus, usually during childhood or adolescence. In many cases (about 80%) the first infection does not cause symptoms, while in others it manifests itself with herpetic stomatitis . This pathology is characterized by the formation of vesicles filled with serous fluid on the entire mucosa of the oral cavity: tongue, palate, gums, inside of the lips and cheeks. Herpetic stomatitis is usually accompanied by high fever, nausea and flu-like symptoms (chills, headache, swollen lymph nodes).

Even after recovery, Herpes Simplex Type 1 does not disappear from the body, but rather lodges in the nerve ganglia. In this way, it becomes invisible and cannot be defeated by the immune system or by drug therapy. For this reason, the virus can reactivate even after a long time, when certain conditions occur that lower the body's immune defenses. Let's see which ones.

Fever on the lip: risk factors

The herpes virus on the lips is activated in conjunction with certain conditions:

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun and/or cold;
  • Illnesses, physical or psychological traumas;
  • Drug treatments;
  • Nutritional imbalances;
  • Menstrual cycle;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Stress and fatigue.

All of these factors can stimulate the virus to escape from nerve cells, causing a new rash characterized by fluid-filled blisters around the lips . These blisters tend to burst and form a crust.

Cold sores: contagion

Herpes simplex virus type 1 is a highly contagious infectious disease , especially during the rash phase. Transmission of the virus can occur through direct contact with the mouth, saliva, or serum from the labial vesicles of an infected person (typically a kiss), or indirectly through contaminated objects. It is therefore important not to use dishes, cosmetics, razors, and towels used by a person with an ongoing infection.

Contagion can also occur from the lips to other parts of the body: for this reason it is essential to touch the lesions caused by herpes as little as possible, and to wash your hands after each contact with the mouth area.

Fever on the lip: natural remedies

It is advisable not to resort to natural home remedies , but to use products whose effectiveness has been demonstrated by clinical tests. Herpes on the lips is a disease subject to frequent recurrences that, if not treated properly, tends to last for several days , causing pain and skin discomfort, as well as embarrassment.

For both prevention and treatment of herpes symptoms, it is therefore preferable to rely on safe and dermatologically tested drugs and medical devices . For further information, read our article “ How to prevent cold sores ”.

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