New Treatments for Molluscum Contagiosum?
Enough with cryotherapy, here are the 5 allies to defeat the virus.
Those who have never suffered from it may think from the name that this pathology has to do with those little animals found in the sea and on the rocks.
Instead, the infection is called 'Molluscum contagiosum' because it manifests itself with small, whitish and soft growths on the skin, adjective That in Latin it was called molluscus .
Children are the ones who suffer the most from it. Papules They almost always appear on the face, trunk, limbs and armpits. They are itchy and the more they are scratched, the more they spread.
For mothers, treating their children's Molluscum contagiosum is a nightmare.
The infection itself is benign, but the only way to get rid of it until now were painful and invasive practices: scraping or curettage (from curettes, sharp instruments) with a surgical spoon that cuts deeply into the skin or the use of acids that burn the part and leave scars or Cryotherapy that burns.
A torment for the little 'victims'!
Now in the pharmacy has arrived herpasogel, a gel with 5 active ingredients mostly natural, allies to disintegrate, in the true sense of the word, the virus (belonging to the poxvirus family), immediately eliminating the itching and then helping the healing of the skin. Here are the names:
- Copper Gluconate
- Hyaluronic acid
- Cannabidiol
- Opuntia ficus-indica
- Zanthalene® (taken from Sichuan pepper)
Not only that.
herpasogel is a real 'battleship' for the defense of skin health, thanks also to the presence of Melissa, D-panthenol - Calendula - White mulberry - Lavender essential oil.
What are Molluscum contagiosum?
The type of virus that affects the child population It is the MCV-1 type poxvirus (98% of cases), a sneaky enemy that can have a latency of up to 6 months.
Here are all the benefits you can expect from the topical use of herpasogel:
- the growths do not spread and those that are present gradually disappear
- the itching goes away immediately and you no longer feel any discomfort
- the skin heals and small lesions heal easily
herpasogel is also ideal when Molluscum contagiosum affects adults and also for other skin conditions such as warts, chickenpox, condylomas.