come eliminare le verruche

Warts: How to Get Rid of Them Quickly and Well

With the nice weather, Often, discomfort begins in feet that are still closed in winter shoes or in any case overheated due to socks or stockings, especially if they are made of synthetic and non-breathable materials.

Small, roundish bumps form between the toes and under the soles of the feet with a thickened, horny surface layer that feels like  to a callus, yellowish-grey in colour and ranging from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size.  However, there is also the variant of the 'mosaic wart', which extends in a non-uniform way.

How to prevent warts?

They hurt when put under pressure. These are warts. You should not try to remove them with scissors or other DIY systems, because they would multiply. 

In fact, warts are the manifestation of a viral infection of the skin (i.e. the virus is not in the blood) due to some strains of HPV, the Human Papilloma Virus, which was isolated for the first time in 1949. It insinuates itself into lacerations in the skin, even if  invisible. Humidity favors the formation of these wounds and this is why it is easy to get warts in swimming pools, gyms, sports centers in general, where it is good, at the very least, not to walk barefoot or sit without protection on risky surfaces.

It seems that 7% of the population suffers from warts, therefore it is advisable to take precautions in any situation of promiscuity.

Where do warts form?

Warts can form not only on the feet but also on  on the hands, face and around the nails; one type of HPV affects the urogenital area (with formations called condylomas) and easily transforms, over time, into tumorous forms. 

Warts if left untouched,  They are painless, but very contagious. Transmission occurs  through direct contact between people or with contaminated objects, although the virus struggles to survive outside living cells.

The growths appear after an incubation  a few weeks or up to 8 months. Both adults and children can suffer from warts. 

They are rarer in newborns and  the elderly.

It all depends on the defenses of the subject's immune system: it can weaken  due to stress, disease, poor diet, etc., or may be genetically exposed to certain types of viruses.

How are warts treated?

The therapeutic choice differs based on the type of wart, its location on the body, the depth, number and extension of the affected skin area. 

Medical treatments such as curettage, cryotherapy, laser therapy are outdated. Today, special patches based on concentrated salicylic acid or potassium hydroxide are mostly used, which are less invasive and do not require medical intervention. However, they are not always effective.

Innovative solutions 

From scientific research, recently topical products specifically antiviral for the various types of Herpes have arrived in pharmacies , very valid as they use natural active ingredients of known efficacy for centuries as well as having a soothing and protective action thanks to innovative formulas. These active components are in particular: 

Copper Gluconate:  induce there degradation of the DNA viral blocking it there replication And there diffusion. (1-2)

Acid Hyaluronic: creates a protective film that helps the absorption of Copper Gluconate limiting there diffusion Of virus  And promoting the natural hydration from the skin. 

Cannabidiol: anti-inflammatory activity and antioxidant 

prickly pear Ficus Indica (technology Of bioliquefaction molecular) : activity anti-inflammatory obtained thanks to the flavonoids contents in the shovels of the Opuntia Ficus It indicates that it is also an excellent humectant and healing agent. The plant has high hydrating power. 

Zanthalene® (Zanthoxylum bungee):  And a solution lipophilic extracted from peels of the fruits Of Zanthoxylum bungeanum with a powerful and fast anti-itching, soothing and anti-irritant action. 

Other natural active components with consolidated skin activities:

  • melissa : activities antiviral
  • d-panthenol: stimulates the epithelialization
  • marigold : (Marigold (officinalis) activity anti-inflammatory
  • mulberry white: (Morus sunrise) activity antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antioxidant
  • oil essential lavender: (Lavender angustifolia) activity anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial

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