Cold sores during pregnancy: how to treat them
Herpes labialis in pregnancy , or cold sores, is a viral infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 1. This virus usually remains latent within nerve cells, and tends to reactivate periodically when the immune defenses are lowered. During the 9 months of gestation, the body lowers its guard to accommodate the fetus without the risk of rejecting it, and it is therefore possible that herpes may reappear with vesicles on the lips.
But what are the risks associated with the appearance of cold sores on the lips during pregnancy?
Is cold sores dangerous during pregnancy?
Herpes simplex type 1 cannot be transmitted to the fetus through the blood or the placenta, nor during childbirth, so it does not pose any risk to the unborn child. However, if there are genital lesions caused by contact with the infected hands or lips of the partner, it is important to contact the gynecologist to get advice on the most suitable antiviral therapy. Contact of the fetus with these lesions during childbirth could in fact cause neonatal herpes , an infection that is very dangerous for the life of the baby. If the vesicles are also present in the last months of pregnancy, it will therefore be necessary to resort to a cesarean section.
Since cold sores (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2) are close relatives and often interchange locations, if you experience blisters on your lips or genitals, it is important to see your gynecologist to determine the type of infection with blood tests and begin the most appropriate drug treatment.
Pregnancy herpes
Although it shares the same name, herpes pregnancyis, or herpes gestationis , has nothing to do with cold sores. It is in fact an autoimmune disorder that can affect women in the second or third trimester of pregnancy , causing intense itching and the formation of pink blisters on the abdomen and sometimes also on the arms, legs, back and face.
Since it is not a viral infection, it does not pose any risk to the unborn child and tends to regress spontaneously after delivery. Since the rash does not involve the mouth area, it is easy to distinguish it from cold sores. It can be treated with immunosuppressive therapy based on corticosteroid drugs.
How to treat cold sores during pregnancy what to use
In case of herpes outbreaks on the lips during pregnancy, you can use antiviral ointments to apply to the affected area. In general, if you are subject to periodic or frequent recurrences , it is important to act on prevention, using Herpaso Plus throughout the pregnancy.
Thanks to its natural active ingredients, it is a medical device that is absolutely safe for the child and free from side effects, capable of strengthening your immune defenses and defending you from viral attacks.
Want to protect your child from herpes infections? Read our article “ Labial Herpes in Children ” to learn more about the topic and what to do if you detect any possible symptoms.