Symptoms of cold sores in the early stages
Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of cold sores in their initial stages is essential to prevent the spread of the virus, avoiding the formation - or at least limiting the size - of the annoying blisters. Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1) infection usually lasts 2-3 weeks, and is made up of 5 distinct phases :
- In the so-called prodromal phase of cold sores , which can last from a few hours to a couple of days, the person feels a sensation of tingling , tension , itching and burning on a specific point of the lips. Knowing how to recognize these first signs allows you to intervene immediately with an antiviral product capable of blocking the evolution of the symptoms.
- Subsequently, fluid-filled blisters form in the affected area of the lips.
- In the ulcerative phase , the blisters burst, releasing the serum they contain, and form a single lesion. Daily activities such as eating, speaking or brushing your teeth become difficult due to the pain caused by the ulcer that has not yet healed.
- Gradually a crust forms, and the skin underneath begins to heal. Since the crust tends to break easily due to lip movements, this process can last up to 4-5 days.
- In this last phase the scab falls off spontaneously, leaving the regenerated skin exposed.
Since this infectious disease has a rather long course and causes considerable discomfort in those who suffer from it, it is essential to learn to recognize cold sores in the initial stage in order to intervene immediately with effective antiviral therapy.
Causes of cold sores
After the first contact, which usually occurs in childhood, HSV-1 remains latent in the body, ready to reactivate if the immune defenses are lowered. Exposure to the sun or intense cold without protection and situations of physical or psychological stress can awaken the virus, causing it to escape from the neuronal ganglia where it nests during the latent period.
For this reason, those who are prone to relapses should avoid exposing themselves to UVA rays or cold without protecting their lips with a stick with a sunscreen and rich in antiviral active ingredients such asHerpaso Plus . At the same time, it is important to improve the body's natural defenses by following a balanced diet and regular physical activity, and dedicating at least 6 hours to night rest.
In moments of particular tiredness, Herpaso Plus can be used for the prevention of herpes , even in the absence of symptoms. Furthermore, if applied when the cold sores are in the initial stage , it calms the typical tingling that precedes the formation of blisters, and avoids the onset of unpleasant vesicles.
For further information, read the article “ Labial herpes: contagion, symptoms and treatment ”.