Herpes labiale e la carenza di vitamine

Cold sores and vitamin deficiency

The role of supplements

Long-awaited vacations in the sun are sometimes disturbed by the onset of cold sores, those painful little blisters that appear on the lips and, in the most serious cases, extend into the nose and around the mouth.

It is usually called 'dull fever' and particularly affects women.
The scientific name of the disease comes from the virus that causes it, herpes simplex. It is a tiny parasite that, once it enters our body, never leaves it and needs our cells to live, just like the Sars Cov 2 virus that does not fly around and is complicating our lives at every level.

Living with herpes simplex can be 'peaceful', that is, without any symptoms, or it can trigger the infection and then we speak of 'dull fever'.
This pathology can be cured by returning to be undisturbed hosts of the parasite. After all, parasitic viruses are not interested in killing us! We are their comfortable home. Let's reflect on this principle...

Cold sores and lack of vitamins

In life, however, it can happen that for various reasons, including the decline or lack of important vitamins, our defense system, which we call the immune system, weakens and the parasitic virus takes over. And the condition we call disease is triggered.

For this reason, the most urgent and decisive measure is to restore the right balance between us and 'them', the parasitic viruses.

It would be appropriate to keep our body healthy by nourishing it properly with vitamins and respecting all its balances. This behavior is what we call primary prevention.
What do you say? Prevention is better than cure.

Therefore, eating healthily, not smoking, not overdoing alcohol, not exposing yourself too much to the sun, exercising, taking care to have good thoughts and good relationships with others, avoiding anger and bad moods, are all measures that help us not to spend on medicines.

Which vitamins are good for a dull fever?

When the balance is broken, here, to begin with, which vitamins are good in case of 'dull fever'. Here we will therefore talk in particular about vitamin intake.

First of all, it should be noted that the 'dull fever' can also manifest itself due to too much sun on the skin, hormonal changes, stress. Each of these circumstances, causing the decrease in the level of elements useful to us, for example vitamins, can cause the alteration of the normal coexistence with parasitic viruses.

Vitamins are 'nutrients' found in foods, but they can also be taken as supplements as a substitute for a varied and adequate diet and a healthy lifestyle. And they can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Group B vitamins are effective against herpes simplex, specifically niacin, B3, pantothenic acid and B5.

Also worth considering are vitamin C and medicinal herbs that protect, strengthen, help our immune system and/or directly fight the virus.
For example, Andrographis paniculata Nees inhibits the replication of viral RNA. It therefore has antiviral activity. It also has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and adaptogenic properties.

Astragalus, used in traditional Chinese medicine since the dawn of time, has roots rich in active ingredients useful as immunostimulants and to increase the body's tolerance to stress. Even among minerals we find allies of our health: Zinc has antiviral action intervening in both the innate immune response and the adaptive one that leads to the production of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. It has antioxidant action. Zinc deficiency increases the risk of infections and autoimmune disorders.

Recently, the role of the intestinal microbiota has also been discovered for viral infections. In the intestine we have different microorganisms (microbiota) whose coexistence is functional to our health. Another precious balance to preserve!
For this purpose, you can take for example betaglucans. They are complex sugars and are found in nature in mushrooms, algae, lichens, cereals such as oats, bran and barley. They are also proposed as supplements in compounds aimed at carrying out a complete action of contrast to viruses such as Herpes labialis.
It is a complete approach to health that as you can see is not the state of an organ but of the whole body, a complex system that interacts even with the immaterial that is in us. Just think of the power of every form of meditation!

Discover Hepaso Plus for the prevention of cold sores , and Herpaso Vir to strengthen the immune system.

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