Rimedi naturali herpes labiale

Do Natural Cold Sores Remedies Really Work?

On the Internet you can find many articles that illustrate different natural remedies for cold sores . These are usually herbal preparations in the form of tablets, essential oils or lip sticks to be applied directly to the affected area. From echinacea to grapefruit seeds, to aloe and licorice, these treatments are recommended to prevent and/or combat infections from Herpes Simplex virus type 1.

Although some of these products have immunostimulating, antiviral and antiseptic properties and can sometimes prevent the formation of vesicles, they are not able to effectively treat the early symptoms of cold sores , quickly stopping the infection.

Therefore, especially in people subject to relapses and in moments of greater risk (stress or physical tiredness, exposure to the sun, etc.) resorting to these natural remedies for cold sores may be useless. In these cases it is preferable to use medical devices of proven efficacy, such as Herpaso Plus , a lip stick containing a powerful mix of natural active ingredients , designed to prevent cold sores and avoid the formation of unsightly blisters and scabs.

If applied regularly at least 6-8 times a day from the first signs of infection (tingling, itching, burning and redness), Herpaso Plus blocks it quickly , making all the symptoms disappear.

The effective alternative to natural remedies for cold sores

Herpaso Plus contains a rich formula of active ingredients, including copper gluconate , a powerful antiviral capable of killing the cells of the Herpes Simplex virus, and tea tree and jojoba oils, which act in synergy with the other components, protecting the lips from external attacks. Thanks to its ingredients of exclusively natural origin, this invisible lip stick does not cause side effects and has no contraindications, and can also be used by pregnant women and children .

If applied regularly from the first signs of the virus, Herpaso Plus can block cold sores at the initial stage , preventing the formation of lesions and avoiding the need for drug therapies based on Aciclovir. It can also be used as an effective prevention in times of greatest risk of recurrence: exposure to the sun or intense cold, pre-menstrual period or periods of particular stress and psychophysical tiredness. Its innovative formula forms a protective barrier on the lips, defending them from irritants and strengthening the immune system.

If the herpes has already broken out and lesions have formed, it is advisable to combine Herpaso Plus with a systemic therapy based on Aciclovir tablets, according to the instructions of your doctor.

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